
Recently, a video was released that discussed myself and others in the VRC community. The vast majority of the claims about me are false or exaggerated. The video makes use of misleading editing, censoring and removal of context to paint an image of myself that is untrue. I believe this video was made solely with the purpose to generate views, profit from their sponsorship, spread misinformation and defame me to increase their own status.

This individual included these allegations before and after a serious story about a young girl. I believe including false allegations demeans her story and also worsens the narrative of other people discussed in the video.

If they cared about finding the truth and providing a genuine unbiased opinion, they would have contacted those talked about in the video and provided both sides to the story. I was never contacted. If they had taken the time to contact those mentioned, their conclusions would have been debunked.

The majority of the evidence provided is from things that happened a long time ago. I was 16 when I first started playing VRC, some of the evidence provided is confirmed to have happened when I was underage. My age at the time does not justify my actions, but I think it should be taken into consideration.

I first want to address the fact that I previously engaged in ERP while using my old Monaca avatar. I am not proud of this behavior, and it is one of the main reasons why I transitioned to my newer avatar, Moflu, which you may have seen recently. My decision to engage in inappropriate behavior with my old avatar was primarily due to it being my main identity at the time. I associated the Monaca base with my online identity and content. Regrettably, when I decided to create an NSFW (Not Safe For Work) version of my avatar, I used the same avatar base that I was known for at the time. This was a mistake for which I am deeply sorry. Back then I never personally viewed the avatar as youthful.

The video argues that as I was a moderator in the VRC discord, it was hypocritical of me to state the rule of NSFW not being permitted on VRC. I don’t think it’s hypocritical for me to state VRChat’s official rules and stance on how it handles it’s TOS while in my moderation role. I included an image of the guidelines below. Any instances of my NSFW behavior were in private instances with consenting adults. It is entirely possible for me to be unbiased while I was a moderator for the discord and still have a private life within the space.  Ever since I met my partner, 1.5 years ago I have stopped participating in those types of activities. They are definitely not my proudest moments and I have been harassed about it long before the video was released about me. Again, all activities were done with fully consenting adults.

Another piece of proof the video stated is a clip of me cuddling up to two individuals.


This clip was taken 1-2 years ago. It is displayed in what I can only assume an attempt to embarass me. It provides nothing of value to the video.

The final piece of evidence shows a few tweets I have liked on my twitter account. The video only shows a few images that were found on my twitter, all of which are unnecessarily over-censored to make them seem lewd or NSFW. All timestamps on those liked tweets were purposefully not shown in his video except for one, which was in 2019. I tried to find the other photos included in his video with their timestamps. The photos I found were liked in 2018, 2019 and 2020. I was 16, 17 and 18 at the time. Below, I have included the tweets that were shown in the video and the uncensored version with timestamps.




These tweets were shown to create a narrative that I am a danger to the community, which is a extreme accusation. My twitter likes from 4-6 years ago, while I was still a minor, do not prove anything besides I liked some suggestive/NSFW content, something that is hardly controversial or harmful to anyone.

To conclude this statement, I am no longer a part of the moderation team on the VRC discord server. Due to the flood of harassment within the server and on my social media, I will be taking a step back for the time being.

I want VRChat to be a safe space, I completely agree there should be more protections and restrictions when it comes to inappropriate content on the platform. I originally volunteered for the discord moderation position in order to help and make it a better place. I apologize for my past actions.

Finally, I want to thank all of my friends, family, and fans who have had my back these past few stressful days. Your support means everything to me and I am eternally thankful I have you all in my life.

I am not going anywhere, and I hope you look forward to my future projects.

Love you all.